Latihannya pun tidak main-main. Mereka harus berlatih menembak dan mengikuti latihan seperti militer selama 4,5 bulan sekaligus digenjot secara fisik 12 jam sehari untuk lulus menjadi seorang bodyguard. Bahkan, ahli militer menganggap bodyguard perempuan lebih terampil karena tidak hanya mengandalkan kekuatan semata namun juga instuisi. Mereka tidak kalah hebatnya memperagakan teknik-teknik perlindungan bagi kliennya di berbagai situasi.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Pekerjaan bodyguard
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Tak kenal maka tak sayang
Perasaan ini dalam
Walaupun tak sedalam apa yang kau rasakan
Puisi atau syair klasik apa yang pernah merayumu
Rangkaian kalimatku tak sedalam sang pujangga
Dalam mimpiku seorang pujangga ulung mengangkat kitab puisi
Tak peduli mantra atau syair sakti yang dibacakannya
Atau kilauan cahaya yang bersalutkan emas tak membuatku silau
Ataukah suara bisingnya dunia ini yang membuat telingaku berat mendengar.
Musik atau kidung pujian yang berirama pun tak terdengar
Hanya suara tulen nada lantang yang terus bergema
Bergema membentuk kalimat-kalimat indah untuk dikenang
Ahh… aku terbuai dalam mantra sakti sang pujangga
Bagaikan seorang perwira yang menawan musuhnya dengan pedang bermata dua
Masih teringat mantra-mantra sakti sang pujangga dalam pikiranku
Ya. Memang selalu teringat untuk dikenang seturut waktu yang ku miliki
Dalam bait-baik puisinya dia mengatakan “Tak kenal maka tak sayang”
Dalam waktu kalimat itu terus ku kenang bahkan menjadi pahatan asmara dalam hatiku
Penjajah Cinta
Sang biduan melantunkan melodi senyap memacu kerinduan percintaan.
Mimik wajah yang terexpresi seakan-akan miskin akan cinta. Ingin menggapai, mencengkram, memeluk, membelai, mencumbui bahkan memilikinya. Di sudut-sudut liar yang tak bertuan terlihat sang penjajah cinta. Tak peduli laki-laki atau perempuan semuanya menjajahkan cinta. Gerakan tubuh yang sensual, tarian erotis dengan nada-nada minor yang tak peduli berirama atau tidak, lebut atau kasar. Semuanya mengajak dan menjerat mangsa.
Ahh… apakah ini makna cinta Atau hanya sekedar mewarnainya?
Tak dipungkiri lagi pemikiran dan pengalaman yang akan membawah kita untuk mengalami getir manis semuanya itu.
Apa artinya cinta?
Knapa harus ada penjajah cinta?
Kalo penjajah cinta itu identik dengan seorang gigolo atau pelacur, itu tidak adil. Bukankah sang pujangga juga menulis tentang cinta atau sang biduan yang sering melantunkan kidung cinta yang dikemas dalam sebuah album dan diperdagangkan?
Siapakah diantara ketiga tokoh itu yang disebut dengan penjajah cinta?
Cita rasaKu
Nyanyian cinta, tarian jiwa dengan hati yang gundah gulana ku nikmati
Bagaikan resep makanan istimewa seorang raja. Sejujurnya citarasaku yang diambang batas terkesan angku yang selalu mengajakku memilah diantra yang terbaik. Hanya sebuah nyanyian dan sebuah tarian yang tak berarti. Tanpa musik yang mengiringinya tapi ada makna yang terselubung yang mejadi misteri dari kejadian itu.
Seorang penikmat yang sejati bisa memilih, merasakan dan menikmati. Tak peduli apapun yang di luar atau di dalam dirinya. Entah itu teduh, tenang atau bahkan sesuatu yang bisa menghalangi kehendaknya. Kolektifitas, citarasa dan kenikmatan selalu tersimpan, segar, indah bahkan melebihi kesegaran dan keindahan bunga yang mekar diantara segala bunga yang indah.
Kadang aku diam mengikuti ritme irama sang biduan tapi sesekali tangan ku membantu aku meneguk minuman yang tersimpan dalam pialaku. Ahhh… terkesan angkuh. Suatu expresi yang berlebihan tapi sejujurnya intuisiku mengatakan jangan takut atau minder nikmati saja apa yang tersedia bagimu karena semua orang juga ingin menikmatinya.
Tak kenal maka tak sayang
Perasaan ini dalam
Walaupun tak sedalam apa yang kau rasakan
Puisi atau syair klasik apa yang pernah merayumu
Rangkaian kalimatku tak sedalam sang pujangga
Dalam mimpiku seorang pujangga ulung mengangkat kitab puisi
Tak peduli mantra atau syair sakti yang dibacakannya
Atau kilauan cahaya yang bersalutkan emas tak membuatku silau
Ataukah suara bisingnya dunia ini yang membuat telingaku berat mendengar.
Musik atau kidung pujian yang berirama pun tak terdengar
Hanya suara tulen nada lantang yang terus bergema
Bergema membentuk kalimat-kalimat indah untuk dikenang
Ahh… aku terbuai dalam mantra sakti sang pujangga
Bagaikan seorang perwira yang menawan musuhnya dengan pedang bermata dua
Masih teringat mantra-mantra sakti sang pujangga dalam pikiranku
Ya. Memang selalu teringat untuk dikenang seturut waktu yang ku miliki
Dalam bait-baik puisinya dia mengatakan “Tak kenal maka tak sayang”
Dalam waktu kalimat itu terus ku kenang bahkan menjadi pahatan asmara dalam hatiku
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Sang Pemintal
Ahhhh... sudah selayaknya engkau diapresiasi oleh seniman terkini tapi jasamu tinggal kenangan, semuanya dimakan oleh sang waktu, dihimpit oleh seorang penguasa yang bengis. Walaupun tak dihargai ataupun dihempas dan ditekan tapi engkau tetap setia dengan karyamu.
Teriakanmu atau suara tangismu sebagai pengaduan dari dirimu tak pernah kudengar. Hanya wajah kesetian yang tulus yang terpancar dalam dirimu dengan balutan wajah polosmu yang lugu. Dengan kesibukan dan keterbasanmu. Seorang wanitah anggun melangka dengan sombong didampingi oleh seorang jejaka yang tampan dan begis merombah dan memilah hasil karyamu. Kutahu karyamu tak seberapa dihargai tapi sesungguhnya engkau telah menciptapakan dan memberikan inspirasi mahakarya yang indah.
Sang Pemintal
Ahhhh... sudah selayaknya engkau diapresiasi oleh seniman terkini tapi jasamu tinggal kenangan, semuanya dimakan oleh sang waktu, dihimpit oleh seorang penguasa yang bengis. Walaupun tak dihargai ataupun dihempas dan ditekan tapi engkau tetap setia dengan karyamu.
Teriakanmu atau suara tangismu sebagai pengaduan dari dirimu tak pernah kudengar. Hanya wajah kesetian yang tulus yang terpancar dalam dirimu dengan balutan wajah polosmu yang lugu. Dengan kesibukan dan keterbasanmu. Seorang wanitah anggun melangka dengan sombong didampingi oleh seorang jejaka yang tampan dan begis merombah dan memilah hasil karyamu. Kutahu karyamu tak seberapa dihargai tapi sesungguhnya engkau telah menciptapakan dan memberikan inspirasi mahakarya yang indah.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sastrawan miskin
kebenaran dan kesalahan ataupun dosa tak pernah engkau peduli bahkan engkau tidak pernah mau menegenal dan dan mendegar atau bagimu itu adalah hal yang biasa. Jalan pikiranmu penuh dengan percabangan dan persimpangan yang takan bisa disentuh atau ditebak semilipun.
Mungkin kecemerlangan dan kecerdasan yang kau miliki telah engkau materaikan menajadi sistim duniamu? atau engkau membiarkan semuanya itu seakan-akan menjadi rahasia yang sangat berharga dan misteri bagi yang lain. Ahhh.... tanganku capek, mataku letih dan kabur dari pandanganmu.
Ahhh..... tinta penahku mulai terkuras habis dihisap oleh riwayat misterimu. Daya pikatmu trus menarik menghabiskan waktuku untuk menulis semua riwatmu. Ku harap misteri dan rahasiamu yang termateraikan bisa kubuka ternyata tidak. Seakan-akan engkau mengatakan "Walaupun tulangmu dibuat menjadi pena, darahmu kau peras menjadi tinta dan kulitmu kau sayat menjadi gulungan kertas yang tak terbatas, engkau tidak layak membuka apa yang telah termateraikan olehku. Engkau hanya sastrawan dangkal dan miskin yang mengemis". Ahhhh.... suguh betapa sadis dan bengisnya engkai.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Indonesian Nation
the publich service or executive do deny. not only in government official but in private official always do deny. they can't do their job with the rightness and always to cancle after the next seasion so the can get extra income.
what will we do with the people sick in indonesian sick goverment?
Looked of Your face ...
looked yourself. you are tobe contaminated on:
- poison
- satanic thinking
- virus
- convulsion
- and the other thinking so make your main tobe revold
i think it all in yourself. don't to be deny.
Are you think is you kindness or what?
you are dirt not usefull
are you think you can help the other?
i say you are weakly not have a power to do anything. you are sick
What I thought would be a typical Saturday night out proved to be atypical indeed. With just 45 minutes left before I collect the tickets to 'The Number 23' , I decided to have dinner at Swensen's. Just as I was getting seated, I saw someone turned to my direction and realised that he was an ex-student, one of a pair of identical twins. I was not sure if it was Jowe or Joel (I really cannot tell the difference) but nonetheless, I remember this ex-student to be someone who is polite and gracious. I flashed a smile as I acknowledged his presence. Immediately after, I placed my order - grilled dory fish and a glass of coke. I told the waitress to speed up the order for I did not want to miss the beginning of 'The Number 23'. The waitress was extremely pleasant about it and well, what can I say, I enjoyed my dinner particularly since it was only recently that I acquired the taste for fish. In the middle of my meal, Joel (or Jowe?!) came over to my table and we chatted as I hurriedly ate my dinner. We talked about school and I got him to give me updates on his current educational pursuits. It is nice to hear how well he's doing in pursuit of higher education. With both of us giving updates on what's familiar to the both of us - OUR school - I realised that seated right in front of me was a kid whom I had taught for only a semester (or a brief period I think) but who had nonetheless made his presence felt. Hurriedly, I told Joel (or Jowe?!!) that I needed to rush for the movie. We bade each other goodbye and I made way to the cashier to settle the bill only to find out from the cashier that Joel (Jowe?!!) had paid for my meal!! As much as I felt surprised by the kind gesture, I found myself blushing with awkwardness, unsure as to how I should react or say beyond 'thank you'. The unexpected gesture from an ex-student is something that I will remember forever. I cannot quite put a word to describe the experience but if Joel (Jowe?!!) ever gets a chance to read this, here's my most sincere thought, 'Thank You!'. :-))
Tonight's experience brought back to mind an event that happened a few years ago. While I was chilling out in a lounge at Raffles City with Jay, Huey etc, a waitress came to me with a glass of red wine. She politely told me that the wine was from an ex-student who happened to be in the same lounge as us! I looked for her and she cheerfully waved at me. We spoke briefly and again, I felt the same kind of awkwardness as I felt tonight.
Speaking of waving, a few months back while I was crossing the traffic at Orchard Road, I heard a honk. I saw someone with a bright, familiar smile waving. It was Eugene, another ex-student who still wears the same neatly gelled hair. Lol...
It's fascinating indeed to be surprised. More so when the surprise actually comes from someone who was at one point in time one's young charges. Suddenly one sees in them an adult; particularly when the chance meeting takes place at dance clubs or work seminars etc. The same person that was once scolded for not being on task with the homework, or praised for being able to stay out of trouble suddenly now shares the same playground as you! At best, the same profession!
I can't help it
The quote from one of my favourite movies/books reminded me of an Entity I recently encountered. An Entity that wasn't invited to appear in my world, not even as an apparition, but nonetheless still managed to squeeze itself through the tiny cyberhole. I reckon if IT had taken a physical form, IT would probably look beautifully grotesque; like a peach slammed against the wall umpteenth times. Amazingly however, it seems to me that this Entity probably has had some kind of a misadventure of sorts; a near tragic encounter or a dark and abused past perhaps? Maybe a congenital malformation of the cerebrum? Nobody seems able to understand where the Entity is coming from or why the Entity is the way IT is. However, one distinctive character trait about the Entity is it's propensity to make noise; a throttle that bears an uncanny similarity to the noise that sewage pipes in flats make at night sometimes. It's a wonder what this Entity could look like. Hm...
On deeper thoughts, creatures like this Entity exist for a reason. It keeps the psychiatric ward buzzing and provide career opportunities and employment to a million of otherwise economically unproductive members of the society. It keeps the better segment of the society constantly learning and growing wiser from the very sheer experience of crossing paths with it. Don't be surprised if IT even stirs congeniality amongst the non-entitians! Not bad I guess.
Who knows in the Pipeline could be a reality TV inspired by The Entity. Now what shall the title be:
1. 'The World's Next Top Entity'?2. 'The EntitOr'? .. or3. ''The Entitian Idiot' ?
Storm's meowing stirred me up from my sleep
'Yes, baby. What's wrong?' I asked, only to receive another pleading meow as a reply. Walking towards the kitchen, the three felines hopped like little children, trailing every footstep I made. I was careful. I had to make sure that I did not disrupt the quiet serenity of Dawn. As I got into the kitchen, I noticed three empty food trays and immediately filled it up; not much though, just three-quarter of a scoop. The felines looked happy. I'm glad the meowing stopped.
I decided to head back to bed only to find myself curling up like a ball for a good ten minutes. I gave up trying to fall back to sleep. Fifteen minutes after, I found myself armed with a cup of hot cocoa which John bought from the organic food-market at Vivocity. I marvelled silently at the refreshing after-effect of the first sip of hot cocoa - a perfect partnership to have at dawn. I smiled in my heart.
"There's just a certain chemistry between Cocoa and Samuie that make them a perfect pair," I thought. I became a happy man. I found myself transported into a state of virtual enlightenment, a dreamland that spells happiness and joy; isolation and togetherness. I felt within me, a certain stirring of gratitude that somewhat defined me as person, a man with hopes, aspirations and needs that far supercede what money can buy, yet at the same time an urge that I should not stop doing what I'm doing in life - work, seeking meaning, searching for a purpose in all the things I needed to do and earning a living that would enable me to buy the little luxuries - a couch to relish in my inner thoughts and a fancy little mug that cupped every little drop of cocoa..
I felt somewhat a Contrarian being; someone who loathed at the need to embrace the dreadful vicious circle of the daily grind and the bitter grapevine that circulate around the neighbourhood while at the same time able to sift through these loathing and be appreciative of the fact that these necessary evils in life were vehicles to realise an inner awareness. Naturally, the quietness of dawn that was sometimes interrupted by the engines wheezing by along the minor road across my flat brought to mind people I loved dearly. On other days, these wheezing would be noise, a pollutant that served to further impair my hearing as I moved on in numbers, yet on that very earthly morning, the same wheezing became music to my ears; a breathe of fresh air that signalled living and existence; a 'noise' that painted in my mind a picture of a survivor serving the daily grind for bread and butter . In short - of hope. Through the wheezing, I imagined a man leaving behind his family for the day to drive a pick-up truck loaded with fresh vegetables to be delivered to the wet-market; or a man in the ritualistic commute for other souls like him. I got reminded of the auntie with the headscarf who I saw days ago probably heading in the same route. I felt in my heart, a certain humility and gratitude at being able to partake in this so-called vicious circle as an observer, the outsider who thought he probably knew what was happening in others' life yet in truth, would never be able to completely emphatise with them because he was simply viewing at their existence through a window - his window.
The stillness of that dawn sustained itself almost endlessly. As I got out of my couch to get a second helping of the hot cocoa, I saw Storm perched on the uppermost level of the multi-level kitty scratch-post by the living room window, observing every minute detail of the stillness and noise that I penned in my heart.
Sense & Sensibility
Subject: FW: Obituary - The Passing away of Mr Common Sense
Today, we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: Knowing when to come in out of the rain; Why the early bird gets the worm; Life isn't always fair; and Maybe it was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6 -year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to getparental consent to administer Tylenol, sun lotion or a band-aid to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sueyou for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in herlap, and was promptly awarded a huge set tlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents , Truth and Trust; hiswife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.
He is survived by his three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else IsTo Blame, and I'm A Victim.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.
If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.